Curricular and Training Transformation

  • finger pointing to the words training, development, and skills on a digital screen

Curricular and Training Transformation

Curricular and Training Transformation

At the core of DEHub’s effort is to create workforce development opportunities that are based on requirements definitions that stem from stakeholders, while creating a design strategy that also leverages constraints in a workflow that builds up as raw materials are combined with digital design, prototyping, manufacturing and product lifecycle management. The figure below shows an example of curricular transformation that provides a method that could be used at all levels of engineering education (from first year undergraduate to graduate) to leverage digital transformation when making practically anything.

Related to workforce development, DEHub leverages its partnerships with local, regional and national partners to create customizable, flexible and adaptive curricula which can be adopted to either build new skills for existing employees or create the new workforce for this emerging digital economy.

 example of curricular transformation that provides a method that could be used at all levels of engineering education (from first year undergraduate to graduate) to leverage digital transformation when making practically anything

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