Welcome to WaterWorks
Developing the New Generation of Workforce for Water and Wastewater Utilities
Beyond outreach, WaterWorks also aims to improve the preparation of students in environmental engineering and topics related to water jobs. With our varied and accessible curriculum and novel educational approaches, WaterWorks also moves toward curricula and lessons that are more accessible to underrepresented minorities in STEM. In collaboration with several local schools, WaterWorks’ educational technologies, lesson plans, and interactive student materials are student-tested and educator approved.
For educators, WaterWorks offers easy-to-use educational mobile apps and ready-made educational activities to help teach concepts and engage students. WaterWorks also offers ready-built curricula to use our provided tools.

WaterWorks Team
The WaterWorks team consists of a variety of multi-disciplinary experts.

WaterWorks Activities
WaterWorks is a package of tools and lessons to assist educators and to help expose students to potential careers in water/wastewater utilities work.

Careers in Water & Wastewater Utilities
Whether you have a high school diploma or a graduate degree, there is a job opportunity for you.
WaterWorks Partners
WaterWorks marks an innovative partnership between Rowan University, Camden City School District (CCSD), and other established orgranziations in Camden. Below are our four partners:
South Jersey Land and Water Trust (SJLWT)
Camden City School District (CCSD)
USEPA Press ReleaseRowan University Press Release
Our award-winning USEPA funded WaterWorks: Attracting a Diverse Workforce project video
Publications & Presentations
Kauser Jahan, Ning Wang, Nicholas Matarazzo, Marc Ignarri, Jonatha Bell, Genna Brunetta, Patrick Marshall, Ryan Petzitillo "WaterMoblie & WaterTalk - Teaching K-12 Students about Water through Hands-on Experimentation (PDF)", Proceedings of the IEEE EDUCON Conference, Tunisia(March 2022)
Jahan, K.,Y. Tang and J. E. Ahn (2023) Innovative Outreach for Careers in the Water and Wastewater Utilities, Proceedings of the 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Baltimore, Maryland June 26-28, 2023
Jahan, K., Y. Tang and J. E. Ahn (2023) Waterworks: An exciting venture to promote careers in water/wastewater utilities, Proceedings of the 2023 ASEE Mid Atlantic Spring Conference, Penn State University, College Park, PA. March 30-April 1, 2023
Poster and Podium Presentations at the 2023 ASEE Mid Atlantic Spring Conference, Penn State University, College Park, PA. March 30-April 1, 2023
Poster Presentations

Watch ACUA IT Intern Brendan Gibbons discuss his internship at the ACUA:
WaterMobile & WaterTalk - Teaching K-12 Students about Water through Hands-on Experimentation, IEEE EDUCON, Tunisia, 2022
Useful Links
United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)
Water Environment Federation (WEF)
American Water Works Association (AWWA)
South Jersey Land and Water Trust (SJLWT)
NJ Water Environment Association (NJWEA)
American Water Works Association New Jersey (AWWANJ)
Baywork (Bay area water/wastewater workforce reliability)
The Camden County Municipal Utilities Authority (CCMUA)
Gloucester County Utilities Authority (GCUA)
Hamilton Township Municipal Utilities Authority (HTMUA)
Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant and System Operators
Association of Environmental Authorities (AEA)
Jersey Water Works Water Workforce Taskforce