Kirk Brungard, MPA

Kirk Brungard, MPA

Kirk Brungard, MPA

Kirk Brungard, MPA
Foundation for Fair Contracting Baltimore, Washington, D.C., and Northern Virginia Region


Kirk Brungard, the son of a 50-year rank-n-file IBEW member, spent over fifteen years working as an electrician in Los Angeles before joining his local union staff in 1998 where he served as an organizer, compliance officer, business development representative and assistant business manager. While in Los Angeles, Kirk was also a badged compliance officer for both the Los Angeles Department of Public Works, and the Los Angeles Unified School District. During that period, he also drafted Electrical Safety and Training language ultimately adopted by the Los Angeles Department of Public Works, and eventually various other public awarding agencies.

In 2005, Kirk was named the IBEW's Director of Construction Organizing in Washington, D.C. While in that position the labor organization reached an all-time high in Construction membership. In late 2009, he joined AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Liz Shuler as her Chief of Staff. After nearly seven years in that role, he transitioned to the Director of the Foundation for Fair Contracting for the Baltimore, Washington, D.C., and northern Virginia region.

Kirk holds a Master of Public Administration from the University of Baltimore. He is a regular presenter for various large organizations and a core faculty member of the Michigan State University Building Trades Academy and the AFL-CIO's National Labor Leadership Institute.