Thomas J. Kriger, Ph.D.

Thomas J. Kriger, Ph.D.

Thomas J. Kriger, Ph.D.
Director of Education & Research

Thomas J. Kriger, Ph.D.
North America’s Building Trades Union


Thomas Kriger is the Director of Research at North America's Building Trades Unions, AFL-CIO. From 2008 to 2012 Kriger was Professor of Labor Studies and Provost and Vice President for Academics at the National Labor College. He was Associate Budget Director for Research and Policy for the State University of New York System Administration from 2007 to 2008. From 1998 to 2007 he served as Assistant to the President and Director of Legislation and Research for United University Professions (Local #2190), the American Federation of Teacher's largest higher education local.

Kriger has held faculty positions at the University of Northern Colorado, Providence College, and St. Lawrence University and is the author of numerous publications on labor issues.