Carl Shaffer
Carl Shaffer
Carl Shaffer

Carl Shaffer is a Journeyman Electrician and a 35-year member of IBEW Local 153 in South Bend, Indiana. Carl served the Local Union in a number of capacities, including Recording Secretary, Executive Board Member, Apprenticeship Trustee, Assistant Business Manager and Organizer.
Carl was then appointed to the position of Indiana Statewide Organizing Coordinator for the IBEW, training and mentoring Local Union organizers across the state. While in this capacity he testified concerning the organizing tactic commonly referred to as “salting” before a Joint Congressional Field Hearing held in Indianapolis, Indiana. Carl went on to become a Field Organizer for the Building & Construction Trades Department, AFL–CIO (NABTU) in support of the Building Trades National Temp Workers Campaign. Carl was subsequently appointed as the National Building Trades Organizing Director, supervising the organizing and strategic research staff, providing guidance and support for the local organizing efforts of approximately 300 Building Trades Councils throughout the United States and Canada, and serving as chair of the Building Trades' National Organizing Committee.