About WaterMOBILE

WaterMOBILE is a hands-on mobile learning environment that will be steered into classrooms to give exciting and engaging demonstrations to students. With WaterMOBILE, students will learn about the function of pumps and pipes, how to remove pollutants from water, and how new sewer pipes are constructed.

WaterMOBILE is also a low-cost and simple set of mobile lessons that can be easily adopted by school districts or implemented in classrooms. All activities are connected to the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards for science, and WaterMOBILE provides a wonderful visual, hands-on experience to complement our mobile apps, such as WaterPAL. For outreach, each activity can also connect to certain careers in wastewater treatment, giving an opportunity to educate students on the specifics of these careers, and the skills required.
different waterMOBILE projects