
  • developing the new generation of workforce for water and wastewater utilities


Welcome to WaterWorks

Developing the New Generation of Workforce for Water and Wastewater Utilities

Looking toward the future, the United States faces a looming issue with aging water infrastructure. Combined with an aging workforce and a lack of new employees, current projections show that the U.S. may face more water-related crises due to worker shortages, aging infrastructure, and external factors like climate change.
WaterWorks is a collaborative research effort from several engineering departments at Rowan University, and is developed with support from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The goal of WaterWorks is to raise awareness about employment opportunities in the wastewater treatment sector. Using K-12 educational programs, WaterWorks aims to provide outreach and improved student education in topics related to wastewater treatment, water utility work, and water infrastructure.

Beyond outreach, WaterWorks also aims to improve the preparation of students in environmental engineering and topics related to water jobs. With our varied and accessible curriculum and novel educational approaches, WaterWorks also moves toward curricula and lessons that are more accessible to underrepresented minorities in STEM. In collaboration with several local schools, WaterWorks’ educational technologies, lesson plans, and interactive student materials are student-tested and educator approved.

For educators, WaterWorks offers easy-to-use educational mobile apps and ready-made educational activities to help teach concepts and engage students. WaterWorks also offers ready-built curricula to use our provided tools.

WaterWorks Team

The WaterWorks team consists of a variety of multi-disciplinary experts.

WaterWorks Activities

WaterWorks is a package of tools and lessons to assist educators and to help expose students to potential careers in water/wastewater utilities work. 

Careers in Water & Wastewater Utilities

Whether you have a high school diploma or a graduate degree, there is a job opportunity for you.