Laptop Requirement

Laptop Requirement

Laptop Requirement for Fall 2024

The Henry M. Rowan College of Engineering requires all incoming students to bring a laptop to campus. It is highly recommended that laptops be purchased through Lenovo from the following site

Other laptops must functionally meet or exceed these specifications. You can select the Lenovo laptop of your choice in the Laptops tab. The laptops come with a 4-year warranty and on-site support.

If you need help with your device, you can bring it to the Technology Assistance Center in Memorial Hall.

The University now provides students with Microsoft Office through Office 365. Additional information can be obtained here:

For an overview of all the other resources available to you at Rowan University, visit the Resources for Students page on the IRT website.

Note: All engineering applications will run on Windows-based laptops, but some may not be designed to run on Apple products. Users of Apple products can access the same software available for Windows users via RowanCloud.