Advising Information
Advising Information
Advising Information
The faculty and staff of the Henry M. Rowan College of Engineering are committed to helping you reach your goals and share responsibility for your success. The resources described below are designed to help ease your academic journey.
The College recognizes the need for the consistency and expertise of professional advisors, in addition to the vital connection between students and faculty members in discipline-specific areas. The College supports a dual advising system comprised of professional advising and faculty mentoring. At the departmental level, Undergraduate Coordinators provide a major-specific connection between the academic department and advising. Below is a description of the advising structure from first through senior years.
First-Year/Sophomore Advising
General Advising: Professional advisors work closely with first-year and sophomore students. Each student is assigned an advisor who assists with the transitional needs typically associated with first-year students, and continues this support into the sophomore year. As part of the dual-advising structure, professional advising is supplemented by faculty advisors (also known as mentors) within the student's engineering discipline, who help them connect their coursework to engineering as a profession.
Professional advisors serve as the first resource for general Engineering and University inquiries, such as:
- Course sequence
- College and University processes and policies
- Registration and other administrative processes
- Campus resources
First-year and sophomore students are assigned to a member of the professional advising team. Advisors are listed in RSN,, in the student’s Network. Students can schedule one-on-one meetings (remote or in-person) through RSN. For additional information or for assistance identifying your advisor, please email Always include your Banner ID when reaching out for assistance.
Faculty Advisors/Mentors are experts in their field and provide guidance related to research, real-world experience, advanced studies, course content, industry, etc. Faculty advising/mentoring is very important in helping students connect their academic program to their professional goals.
Undergraduate Coordinators are dedicated faculty who oversee advising in their respective disciplines and coordinate with professional advisors to provide a complementary advising experience for students. The UG coordinators provide in-depth major-specific guidance, including information about potential minors and CUGS (certificate of undergraduate studies), and how they can supplement a student’s chosen major. UG coordinators also handle transfer advising and work with incoming transfers to evaluate transfer credits and determine course sequencing. Please refer to transfer advising section below.
Biomedical Engineering - Dr. Mary Staehle,
Chemical Engineering - Dr. Kevin Dahm,
Civil & Environmental Engineering - Dr. Gilson Lomboy,
Electrical & Computer Engineering - Dr. Gina Tang,
Engineering Entrepreneurship - Prof. Bruce Oestreich,
Mechanical Engineering - Prof. Melanie Amadoro,
Junior/Senior Advising
Students transitioning to the junior year are assigned to faculty mentors within their major. Students rely on the expertise of faculty to provide guidance on discipline-specific coursework, paths toward advanced studies and career-related advice. Students can find the name of their faculty mentor by checking their RSN/Starfish network (
Curriculum/Academic Planning
Our programs of study in Biomedical, Chemical, Civil & Environmental, Electrical & Computer, Engineering Entrepreneurship, and Mechanical Engineering follow a structured program of study. The curriculum is rounded out by general education electives, otherwise known as Rowan Core electives, that fulfill the University's requirements. Students are strongly advised to follow the prescribed sequence of courses. Additional discipline-specific information is found on departmental webpages.Any deviation from the posted course of study must have the approval of your department head/chair and made in consultation with your faculty advisor.
Major Curriculum Guides
Biomedical Engineering
Class entering Fall 2020 and beyond
Class entering Fall 2018 and 2019
Chemical Engineering
Class entering Fall 2021 and beyond
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Effective Fall 2024 and beyond
Effective Spring 2020 through Spring 2023
Engineering Entrepreneurship
Class entering Fall 2024 and beyond
Electrical & Computer Engineering Track
Class entering Fall 2020 through Fall 2023
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Class entering Fall 2021 and beyond
Mechanical Engineering
Transfer Advising
The College of Engineering welcomes all students and is committed to providing support, no matter where they start on their academic journey. Students are advised to begin the process with Rowan University’s transfer resources. After acceptance, students will work with a transfer advisor within their major. The designated transfer advisor handles evaluation of transfer credits and provides recommended course sequencing toward graduation. Below are the transfer advisors for each major.
Biomedical Engineering - Dr. Mary Staehle,
Chemical Engineering - Dr. Kevin Dahm,
Civil & Environmental Engineering - Dr. Gilson Lomboy,
Electrical & Computer Engineering - Dr. Gina Tang,
Engineering Entrepreneurship -Dr. Stephanie Farrell, and Prof. Bruce Oestreich,
Mechanical Engineering – Dr. Smitesh Bakrania,
Guidelines for General Education/Rowan Core Requirements
All Engineering majors are required to fulfill the General Education/Rowan Experience or Rowan Core/Rowan Experience general education model. Math, Science and Communications requirements are fulfilled by courses required in the typical Engineering curriculum. Please see below for additional information.
Rowan Core Model - applies to students who entered Fall 2018 and beyond.
Rowan General Education - applies to students who entered in Fall 2017 and prior.
Engineering Minors
Engineering Minors: Engineering minors are restricted and require between 18-19 credits of coursework. Submission of an application is required for admission, as is minimum GPA of 3.0 and approval of department head or associate chair of the minor department. Please review the course requirements for each minor program below. Any exceptions must be approved by the Dean's Office.
- Chemical Engineering Minor
- Civil & Environmental Engineering Minor
- Electrical & Computer Engineering Minor
- Mechanical Engineering Minor
- Systems Engineering Minor (formerly Concentration)
To apply, complete the Google form linked here: Application deadlines are listed below:
For Fall admission: November 2 - April 1
For Spring admission: April 2 – November 1
Engineering CUGS (Certificate of Undergraduate Studies)
A Certificate of Undergraduate Study (CUGS) provides a credential for students completing an area of study totaling 12-17 credits. Engineering offers several CUGS that complement a specific engineering area of study. For information on Engineering CUGS offered by each major, click on links below:
Biomedical Engineering: BME CUGS
Chemical Engineering: ChE CUGS
Civil/Environmental Engineering: CEE CUGS
Electrical/Computer Engineering: ECE CUGS
Engineering Entrepreneurship: Engr-Entrepreneurship CUGS
Mechanical Engineering: ME CUGS
Students may also be interested in CUGS offered by other academic programs across the university. Information on CUGS programs can be found at the link here.
Policy for Changing Between Engineering Majors
Current Engineering students who wish to switch to a different engineering major should follow the change of major process outlined in the guidelines found here. The process includes: 1) submission of application by the stated deadline (see dates below); 2) completion of course requirements (may be in progress) at time of application (refer to guidelines); and 3) a minimum GPA of 3.0. Only applicants with course requirements and minimum GPA will be considered. Decisions are made after semester grades are posted. If eligible, you may complete the application here.
For Fall admission: Application deadline - April 1 (application opens at start of spring term)
For Spring admission: Application deadline – November 1 (application opens at start of fall term)
Potential applicants are advised to consult with their current engineering advisor before applying. Students must wait for a final decision before scheduling their next semester classes and must not register for courses outside of their current major until/unless accepted in the new engineering major. If accepted, the department will assist with registration for the appropriate courses in the next term.
Current Rowan student interested in changing your major to Engineering?
General Information/Registration Tools/Campus Resources
- Students may take up to 18 credits without prior approval. Credits above 18 must be approved by the dean, in consultation with department chair or faculty advisor. Tuition ramifications: full-time flat rate tuition covers 12-17 credits. Credits above 17 will be charged at the per credit tuition rate.
- Students on scholarship are required to maintain a GPA of 2.5 to remain on scholarship.
- The College follows the University's academic standing policy, which states that students falling below a 2.0 GPA at the end of each semester are at risk for academic warning/probation. The Undergraduate Academic Standing policy is outlined here.
Registration Tools
- Student Self Service/Banner Services - Students can view grades, course history, unofficial transcripts and register for classes.
- Office of the Registrar's web site - Information about registration including add/drop schedule, academic calendar, policies, forms, etc.
- Rowan Course Availability/Section Tally - up to the minute course section enrollments.
Campus Resources
- DegreeWorks/GRAD - This system is a useful advising tool for students and displays graduation requirements and progress toward completion. It is accessible through Self-Service Banner.
- Student Success Programs - include an array of services geared toward helping students achieve academic success. These include general advising, Career Advancement, Education Abroad, Disability Resources, First-Year Programs, Testing, Tutoring and Military Services.