Michael D. Muhlbaier
Michael D. Muhlbaier
Michael D. Muhlbaier ’04, M’06
Electrical & Computer Engineering

For fifteen years, Michael D. Muhlbaier served as the president of Spaghetti Engineering, an engineering company specializing in automotive electronics, which he co-founded and continues to serve as chairman of their board. The company was founded in 2004 on a novel LED tail light technology that spun out of a Rowan electrical and computer engineering clinic project and became the premier brand, DIGI-TAILS, within its market segment. Muhlbaier developed many other technologies while president, including a novel height sensor for air suspensions and a programmable relay kit to simplify vehicle wiring, both of which won SEMASpecialty Equipment Market Association’s best new product award, the most prestigious in the industry.
Muhlbaier has also served at Rowan University for 10 years in varying roles, ranging from adjunct professor to full-time lecturer in the electronic and computer engineering department, and is currently the vice chair of the South Jersey Technology Park. While in the ECE department, he created two of the department’s first online courses, which culminated in students designing a functional microprocessor from scratch. Beloved by his students, Muhlbaier was inducted into Rowan’s Wall of Fame for Excellence in Teaching in 2019.
Most recently, Muhlbaier is the CEO at Alencon Systems, where he is working on power conversion products to empower alternative energy projects ranging from solar and storage to renewable-powered freight trains. His team specializes in the design and commercialization of isolated high-power DC-to-DC converters. Presently, Muhlbaier is leading a joint effort with Schneider Electric, a Fortune 500 company, to further perfect their DC-to-DC technology and make it more widely available.
When not wearing his engineering hat, Muhlbaier and his wife Lindsay run a short-term vacation rental business, TogatherGetaways.com, with the goal of bringing families together. They love to travel together with their four children in tow.