Gilson Lomboy, D.Eng, Ph.D., P.E.
Gilson Lomboy, D.Eng, Ph.D., P.E.
Gilson Lomboy, D.Eng, Ph.D., P.E.
Associate Professor, Undergraduate Program Coordinator
Ph.D., Iowa State University
D.Eng., Asian Institute of Technology
M.Eng., Asian Institute of Technology
B.S., Mapua Institute of Technology
Impactful Research Areas:Sustainability
Green Construction
Sustainable Materials & Processes
Digital Engineering
Infrastructure & Transportation
Research Expertise:
Concrete durability; Concrete workability and rheology; Concrete nanotechnology (modification and characterization); Special types of concrete: Self-Consolidating Concrete, Ultra-high Performance Concrete, Conductive Concrete; Structural Analysis: Finite Element Methods, Nonlinear analysis of structures, Mechanics of laminate composites
My research projects and clinics include: 3D Printing of Cementitious Pastes; Bio-cementation of sand and clay; Cold Weather Reinforced Concrete; Cold Weather Conductive Concrete; Pressurized Flow in Fractures; Properties of UHPC-HPC Composites; Ternary Blended Concrete with RCA
Honors and Awards:
Iowa State University 2012 Teaching Excellence Award
International road Federation 2011 Road Scholar Program Executive Fellow
Asian Institute of Technology 2000 Three-Term Fellow
Professional Regulation Commission of the Philippines 1995 BSCE Licensure Exam, Fourth Place
Recent Publications:
Murphy G. Lomboy, K. Wang, S, Sundararaj and S, Subramaniam, The rheology of slurries of athermal cohesive micro-particles immersed in fluid: A computational and experimental comparison, Chemical Engineering Science, 193(16):411-420, 2019
G.R. Lomboy, F. Bektas, and K. Wang, Extended Use of Limestone Fines in Various Concretes, Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture 10(9):995-1005, 2016
G.R. Lomboy and K. Wang, Semi-Flowable Self-Consolidating Concrete and its Application, International Journal of Materials and Structural Integrity, 9(1-3):61-71, 2015.
S.P. Shah and G.R. Lomboy, Future Research Needs in Self-Consolidating Concrete, Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials, DOI:10.1080/21650373.2014.956238, 2014.
Z. Quanji, G.R. Lomboy, K. Wang, Influence of Nano-Sized Highly Purified Magnesium Alumino Silicate Clay on Thixotropic Behavior of Fresh Cement Pastes, Construction & Building Materials, 69:295-300, 2014.