Kevin Dahm, Ph.D.

Kevin Dahm, Ph.D.

Kevin Dahm, Ph.D.
Professor, Undergraduate Coordinator

Kevin Dahm, Ph.D.
Chemical Engineering

Contact Info
Rowan Hall 315


Research with Rowan

Personal Gender Pronoun: He/Him/His

Postdoctoral Researcher, University of California at Berkeley
Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology         
B.S., Chemical Engineering, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Impactful Research Areas:
    Advancing Pedagogical Innovation
    Equipping Students for Success

Research Expertise:
Assessment of student learning, design, use of games and simulation in education, spectroscopy

Dr. Dahm is involved in a number of engineering education research initiatives, most commonly in the role of assessment. He has also published on teaching design, writing in the curriculum, and use of games and simulation in engineering education. Dr. Dahm's primary technical expertise is in the modeling and analysis of spectroscopic data.

Honors and Awards:
2019 Lindback Award
2010 ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Outstanding Teaching Award
2005 Corcoran Award
2004 Raymond W. Fahien Award
2003 Joseph J. Martin Award
2002 ASEE Best Paper PIC-III Award

Professional Memberships:
ASEE (American Society of Engineering Education)

Recent Publications:
K. D. Dahm and D. Visco, Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, CENGAGE Learning Inc., 2014. 

D. J. Dahm and K. D. Dahm, Interpreting Diffuse Reflectance and Transmittance, NIR Publications, Chichester, UK, 2007.[DKD1] 

C. Bodnar, T. Christiani, K. Dahm and A. Vernengo, “Implementation and Assessment of an Undergraduate Tissue Engineering Laboratory Course,” Education for Chemical Engineers, 24 (2018).

Murray A. Luftglass, Louis Taschek, Clayton C. Gunheim, and Kevin D. Dahm, “Translucent Plastic Solar Thermal Collector,” United States Patent 9,915,444, awarded to HELIOS PRODUCTS, LLC on March 13, 2018.

K. D. Dahm, S. Farrell and R. Ramachandran, “Communication in the Engineering Curriculum: Learning to Write and Writing to Learn,” Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, 29, 2 (2015).

R. Ramachandran, K. D. Dahm, L.M. Head and J.L. Schmalzel, “Project and Problem Based Learning for Circuits, Systems, VLSI and Digital Signal Processing Courses,” Journal of Engineering Education Transformations,  28, 3 (2015).