Mitja Trkov, Ph.D.

Mitja Trkov, Ph.D.

Mitja Trkov, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor

Mitja  Trkov, Ph.D.
Mechanical Engineering

Contact Info
Rowan Hall 134


Research with Rowan

Personal Gender Pronoun: He/Him/His

Postdoctoral Researcher, Mechanical Engineering, University of Utah
Ph.D., Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Rutgers University
B.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Impactful Research Areas:
    Sensors & Robotics

Research Expertise:
Wearable Robotics; Physical Human-Machine Interactions; Biomechanics; Ergonomics; Soft Robotics;

My research focuses on robotics and human-machine interactions in biomedical applications. I use analytical and experimental approaches that integrate dynamics and control, mathematical modeling, and use of experimental platforms with human subject testing to develop new principles and tools. These principles are applicable for robotic applications in autonomous systems, soft robotics, rehabilitation and biomedical engineering.

Professional Memberships:
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)

Recent Publications:
M. Trkov, K. Chen, and J. Yi, “Bipedal model and hybrid zero dynamics of human walking with foot slip,” ASME J. Comput. Nonlinear Dynam., 14(10): 101002, Paper No: CND-18-1356, doi: 10.1115/1.4043360, 2019

M. Trkov, K. Chen, J. Yi, and T. Liu, “Inertial sensor-based slip detection in human walking,” IEEE Trans. Autom. Sci. Eng., 16(3), pp. 1399 - 1411, 2019.

H. Xiang, M. Trkov, K. Yu and J. Yi, “A stick-slip interactions model of soft-solid frictional contacts,” ASME J. Dyn. Sys. Meas. Control, 141(4), pp. 041015, Paper No: DS-17-1556, doi: 10.1115/1.4042247, 2019.

J. Mortensen, M. Trkov, A. S. Merryweather, “Exploring novel objective functions for simulating muscle coactivation in the neck,” J. Biomech., 71, pp. 127-134, 2018.

M. Trkov, J. Yi, T. Liu, and K. Li, “Shoe-floor Interactions in human walking with slips: modeling and experiments,” ASME J. Biomech. Eng., vol. 140, no. 3, pp. 031005-1–031005-11, 2018.