Yashwant Sinha, Ph.D.
Yashwant Sinha, Ph.D.
Yashwant Sinha, Ph.D.
Instructor and MET Program Advisor

Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
Contact Info
Engineering Hall 125
Education:Ph.D., Robert Gordon University, UK
M.Phil. University of Cambridge, UK
B.E., Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology, India
Honors and Awards:
Energy Technology Partnership (ETP) Scholarship for Ph.D. study
Ph.D. Poster Award, ETP Conference 2013
Professional Memberships:
Member of American Society for Quality (ASQ), USA
Life Member Indian Society of Technical Education, IN
Member of IEEE, USA
Member of the Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering
Fellow of Higher Education Academy (HEA), UK
Member of the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE)
Patent Application:
Wind Farm Maintenance Management Tool, filed 11/30/2021, File Number 1164175 – A (Pending).
Recent Publications:
Stout, C., Islam, S., White, A., Arnott, S., Kollovozi, E., Shaw, M., Droubi, G., Sinha, Y. and Bird, B., 2017. Efficiency Improvement of Vertical Axis Wind Turbines with an Upstream Deflector. Energy Procedia, 118, pp.141-148.
Sinha, Y., Nampally, A. (2016). Averaged model of a modular multilevel converter in a rotating DQ frame. In Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA), 2016 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 319-324). IEEE. (Conference Proceedings).
Sinha, Y., Nampally, A., (2016). Linearized DQ averaged model of modular multilevel converter. In Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA), 2016 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 861-866). IEEE. (Conference Proceedings).
Sinha, Y, Steel, J.A. (2015a). A prognostic decision model for offshore wind turbine maintenance. Wind Engineering, 39(5), 569–578.
Sinha, Y, Steel, J.A. (2015b). A progressive study into offshore wind farm maintenance optimization using risk-based failure analysis. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Elsevier, 42, 441–449.
Sinha, Y, Steel, J.A. (2015c). Failure prognostic schemes and database design of a software tool for efficient management of wind turbine maintenance. Wind Engineering, 39(4), 453–477.
Sinha, Y, Steel, J.A., Andrawus, J.A., O'Shea, T. (2014). Significance of effective lubrication in mitigating system failures – A wind turbine gearbox case study. Wind Engineering, 38(4), 441–450.
Sinha, Y, Steel, J.A., Andrawus, J.A., Gibson, K. (2013). Gestione – A smart software package for maintenance optimization of offshore wind turbines. Wind Engineering, 37(6), 569–577.
List of Conference Presentations:
Sinha Y. (2023). Improving Component Reliability and Human Productivity for Offshore Wind Turbines Operations and Maintenance, ASQ Conference on Reliability, Maintenance & Managing Risk, Minneapolis, Jul 27-28, 2023
Sinha Y. (2021). Predictive Maintenance of Offshore Wind Turbines, Offshore Wind Power Conference and Exhibition 2021, Boston October 13 – 15, 2021.
Sinha Y. (2018). Evaluating Risk to Offshore Wind Turbines from other Offshore Renewables Technologies in Europe, All Energy Conference, Glasgow 2nd/3rd May. (Poster by Invitation)
Sinha Y. (2018). Predictive Maintenance of Offshore Wind Turbines using Condition Monitoring and Failure Analysis, All Energy Conference, Glasgow 2nd/3rd May. (Poster by Invitation)
Sinha Y. (2017). Strategies in Condition Monitoring and Data Analysis for Offshore Wind Turbines, NERC Innovative Monitoring Approaches Brokering Workshop, Edinburgh, 26 April. (Poster by Invitation)
Sinha, Y. (2016). A software package for maintenance management of wind turbines, World Congress and Exhibition on Wind and Renewable Energy. Berlin, Germany.
Sinha, Y, Steel, J.A. (2015). Optimization of offshore wind turbine maintenance. ETP Conference, Glasgow, Scotland. (Poster Presentation)
Sinha, Y., Steel, J.A., Andrawus, J.A., Coull, F. (2014). Offshore wind turbine maintenance and spares holding. ETP Conference, Dundee, Scotland. (Poster Presentation)
Sinha, Y., Steel, J.A., Andrawus, J.A., Gibson, K. (2013). Significance of gearbox lubrication in wind turbines. ETP Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland. (Poster Presentation)
Sinha, Y., Steel, J.A., Andrawus, J.A., Meredith, M. (2012). Offshore wind turbine maintenance optimization. ETP Conference, Glasgow, Scotland. (Poster Presentation).
Sinha Y. (2016). A SMART knowledgebase for effectively maintaining wind turbines in multifarious environments, United Kingdom-China conference on multidisciplinary wind power issues in cold climates. Funded by the British Council of the United Kingdom and the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Mianyang, China.
Sinha Y. (2017). Optimal Maintenance of Offshore based Wind and Wave Energy Machines, Workshop on Offshore Wind and Wave Energy for Turkey, Ankara, Turkey. Funded by the British Council Institutional Link program.