Prospective Employers
Prospective Employers
Engineering Employers
Welcome to the Henry M. Rowan College of Engineering's Employers' Website. Here, you can easily connect with our engineering students for full-time positions and summer internships.
Profs Jobs - Rowan University’s online recruiting resource
Email job to: - Targeted distribution of engineering job and internship opportunities
Boost your recruiting efforts with Profs Jobs, the University's free, online resource for posting job and internship opportunities, viewing resumes, and engaging with students through recruiting events and professional development seminars. Additionally, engineering job and internship opportunities can be distributed to targeted engineering audiences through email.
Rowan University Career Fairs
Rowan University's Engineering Career Fairs, held in October (Fall All-Major Fair) and February (STEM Fair), provide opportunities for our engineering students to explore professional careers and internships. All engineering disciplines—including Biomedical, Chemical, Civil & Environmental, Electrical & Computer, Mechanical, and Engineering Entrepreneurship—are encouraged to participate. Employers can set up booths, share company information, and network with students at these in-person events. Register for Rowan University's Career Fairs at Career Fairs (
All Rowan University Recruiting Events - #HireRowan
Rowan University Office of Career Advancement - The Office of Career Advancement assists all students and alumni in making career and job search strategy decisions that are consistent with their values, skills, interests, and abilities.
For more information on recruiting at the Henry M. Rowan College of Engineering, contact
Melanie Basantis
Director, Engineering Outreach
(856) 256-5307

Job Postings
Employers can post jobs/internships on ProfsJobs & email postings to, which will then be forwarded to the targeted engineering audience.

Office of Career Advancement (OCA)
The OCA is dedicated to providing high quality employer relations & services. We can help maximize your recruiting efforts & increase your organization's visibility.

Student Connections
Email to connect with student professional societies by hosting an event, being a guest speaker in their meetings, or through other activities.