Cheryl Bodnar, Ph.D.
Cheryl Bodnar, Ph.D.
Cheryl Bodnar, Ph.D.

Contact Info
Personal Gender Pronoun: She/Her/Hers
Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, specialization in Biomedical Engineering, University of Calgary
B.S., Chemical Engineering, University of Calgary
Impactful Research Areas:Education
Advancing Pedagogical Innovation
Disrupting Inequalities in Engineering
Equipping Students for Success
Research Expertise:
Game-based learning; innovation and entrepreneurship
Currently, Dr. Bodnar's research is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Kern Family Foundation. Her research interests relate to the incorporation of active learning techniques such as game-based learning in undergraduate classes as well as integration of innovation and entrepreneurship into the engineering curriculum. In particular, she is interested in the impact that these tools can have on student perception of the classroom environment, motivation and learning outcomes.
Honors and Awards:
Silver Medal for Game Designed for Higher Education, Contents Under Pressure, presented by Serious Play Conference, 2022
Rowan University’s October 2021 President’s Award for Excellence in Innovative Instructional Delivery, 2021
Award for Excellence in Engineering Education Research presented by AIChE Education Division, 2021
William H. Corcoran Award for Best Paper in Chemical Engineering Education Journal during 2020
Selected as Executive Leadership in Academic Technology, Engineering, and Science (ELATES) Fellow, 2020
KEEN Rising Star Award for Early-Career Leadership in Engineering Entrepreneurship Education presented by KEEN, 2020
Best New Ideas Paper, 3rd Place, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division, 2019
Martin Award for Best Paper Presented in the Chemical Engineering Division at the 2017 American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Meeting
Raymond W. Fahien Award for Outstanding Teaching Effectiveness and Educational Scholarship presented by American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Chemical Engineering Division, 2017
Professional Memberships:
ASEE (American Society for Engineering Education)
CSTD (Canadian Society for Training and Development)
Recent Publications:
Jackson, A., Bodnar, C., Streiner, S., Dahm, K., Mallouk, K., Oestreich, B. (2022). Application of Entrepreneurial Minded Learning Design Projects to Develop First-Year Engineering Students’ Entrepreneurial Mindset. International Journal of Engineering Education, 38(1), 1-16.
Jackson, A., Mawson, C., Bodnar, C.A. (2022). Faculty Motivation for Pursuit of Entrepreneurial Mindset Professional Development. Entrepreneurship Education & Pedagogy, 5(3),320-346. DOI: 10.1177/2515127420988516
Stransky, J., Bassett, L., Bodnar, C., Anastasio, D., Burkey, D., Cooper, M. A. (2021). Retrospective Analysis on the Impacts of an Immersive Digital Environment on Chemical Engineering Students’ Moral Reasoning. Education for Chemical Engineers. 35, 22-28.
Coso Strong, A., Smith-Orr, C.S., Bodnar, C.A., Lee, W.C., McCave, E.J., Faber, C.J. (2021). Early-Career Faculty Transitions: Negotiating Legitimacy and Support Seeking in Engineering Education. Studies in Engineering Education, 1(1), 97–118. DOI:
Bodnar, C.A., Dringenberg, E., Butler, B., Burkey, D., Anastasio, D., Cooper, M. (2020). Revealing the Decision-Making Processes of Chemical Engineering Students in Process Safety Contexts. Chemical Engineering Education. 54(1), 1-9.