Student Awards

Student Awards

Student Awards

 2020 Department Awards

Clarence Slater Award for Excellence in Chemical Engineering Undergraduate Studies

Casey Wagner

The Clarence Slater Award for Excellence in Chemical Engineering Undergraduate Studies is awarded to an outstanding graduating senior in the Chemical Engineering department. This University medallion award is named in memory of the father of Dr. C. Stewart Slater, the Founding Chair of the Chemical Engineering Department.  His father, Clarence, was an eminent educator in Southern New Jersey, who positively affected the lives of thousands of young men and women in his 40 years of service as a teacher, department head, and administrator at Atlantic City High School.

Clarence Slater UG Medallion Criteria:

  • ChE GPA
  • Undergraduate research (clinic, independent research project, etc.)
  • Activities in support of the ChE Department

Elizabeth Slater Award for Excellence in Chemical Engineering Graduate Studies

Alex Bassett

The Elizabeth Slater Award for Excellence in Chemical Engineering Graduate Studies is awarded to an outstanding Chemical Engineering graduating graduate student each year.  This University medallion award is named in memory of the mother of Dr. C. Stewart Slater, the Founding Chair of the Chemical Engineering Department.  His mother, Elizabeth, worked as a Secretary for the Music Department at Atlantic City High School, where she met Dr. Slater’s father.  She served the country as an American Red Cross “Gray Lady” during WW II, helping wounded servicemen at Thomas England General Hospital.

Elizabeth Slater Grad Medallion Criteria:

  • Leadership / independent work on graduate project(s)
  • Creativity in research pursuits
  • Scholarly outputs, e.g., journal papers, conference presentations, and the like
  • Mentorship of undergraduate clinic and/or summer students
  • Positive team dynamics in research group

Highest Senior GPA in Chemical Engineering Undergraduate Studies

Michael Ciuzio

AIChE Chemical Engineering Undergraduate Service

Elizabeth Amory

This award is given to a Senior who has demonstrated excellence in overall sustained service activity to the department. 

Rowan AIChE Student Chapter Service Award

Caleb Miller

This award is given to the student with the largest or most significant contribution, in the opinion of the faculty, to the AIChE Student Chapter during their four years at Rowan.

William L. Maxwell Graduate Scholarship

John Chea

William L. Maxwell Undergraduate Scholarship

Danielly De Miranda Ribeiro

ChE Clinic Award

Project Name: Optimization of Pipeline Flushing Operations for the ExxonMobil Lubricants and Oil Blending Plant

Team Members: Swapana S. Jerpoth (grad student), Casey Wagner (senior), Gabrielle Moskalow (senior), Marissa Martine (junior), Spencer Verdoni (junior)
Advisors: Dr. Yenkie, Dr. Hesketh and Dr. Slater

Chemical Engineering Research Award

Project Name: Solvent Recovery Roadmap

 Team Members: Austin Lehr, Vanessa Pierce, Jake Stengel, Jordan Holman
Graduate Mentors: John D. Chea and Emmanuel A. Aboagye
 Advisor: Dr. Yenkie

Excellence in Process Design and Development Award

 Project Name: Experimental Design and Development for Unit Operations

 Team Members: David Aguirre and Liam Callahan
 Advisor: Dr. Gephardt


2020 AIChE DVS Student Awards

Annual Outstanding Senior in Chemical Engineering at Rowan University

  Michael Ciuzio

Annual Outstanding Junior in Chemical Engineering at Rowan University

Kayla Heider

Annual Outstanding Sophomore in Chemical Engineering at Rowan University

Jacob Martin

Alumni Award

Vincent Oliver


2020 AIChE Annual Conference Awards

Othmer Award

Danielly De Miranda Ribeiro

Presented to the American Institute of Chemical Engineers student member who demonstrated outstanding scholastic achievement in his/her freshman and sophomore years as recommended by the chemical engineering faculty.

Special Shout-Out to a Campus-Wide Award Recipeint

2019-2020 Dr. Thomas E. Robinson Leadership Award

presented to

Kelly Yorke

Kelly is a graduating Senior in the Chemical Engineering Department at Rowan. This honor celebrates a student who has provided outstanding leadership to the student body and the Rowan community, and it presented by the University Senate Awards Committee.