ChE Dept Awards 2023
ChE Dept Awards 2023
Congratulations to all the recipients of our 2023 Department of Chemical Engineering Annual Awards this year!

Clarence Slater Medallion
Casey Cox receives the 2023 Clarence Slater Medallion Award for Excellence in Chemical Engineering

Elizabeth Slater Medallion
Dr. John Chea receives the 2023 Elizabeth Slater Medallion Award for Excellence in Chemical Engineering Graduate Studies

Highest ChE GPA Award
Casey Cox receives the Highest Chemical Engineering GPA for an Undergraduate Senior Award

ChE Dept Service Award
Casey Cox receives the Chemical Engineering Department Service Award

AIChE Student Chapter Service Award
Kylie Howard receives the AIChE Student Chapter Service Award

AIChE Sophomore Othmer Award
Matthew Conway receives the AIChE Othmer Sophomore Academic Excellence Award

AIChE Freshman Recognition Award
Glenn Johnson receives the AIChE Freshman Recognition Award

AIChE DVS Senior Award
Shreya Kelshikar receives the AIChE DVS Outstanding Senior Award

AIChE DVS Junior Award
Abigail Martin receives the AIChE DVS Outstanding Junior Award

AIChE DVS Sophomore Award
Steven Roth receives the AIChE DVS Outstanding Sophomore Award

AIChE DVS Grad Student Award
Alex Lehman-Chong receives the AIChE DVS Outstanding Grad Student Award

AIChE DVS Faculty Award
Dr. Kirti Yenkie receives the AIChE DVS Outstanding Faculty Award

AIChE DVS Alumni Award
Robert McClernan receives the AIChE DVS Outstanding Alumni Award

Marvin L. Harris Safety Award
David Theuma, Michael Facchiollo & Sean Curtis receive the Marvin L. Harris Safety Award

Lab Operations Safety Award
Swapana Jerpoth receives the Laboratory Operations Safety Award

Exemplary Service in Safety Committee
Zachary Rosenzweig receives Recognition for Exemplary Service in the ChE Safety Committee

Exemplary Service in Safety Committee
Abigail Martin receives Recognition for Exemplary Service in the ChE Safety Committee

Excellence in Sustainability Award
The following project teams receive the Excellence in Sustainability Award:
Casey Cox & Colby Higgins for their project titled "Awesome Stuff from Betulin"
Heather Lafrance, Kylie Howard, Sean Gleason & Marc Molinari for their project titled "Awesome Stuff from Birch Bark"
Teams were mentored by grad students Alex Lehman-Chong & John Chea

Chemical Engineering Research Award
The following project team receives the Chemical Engineering Research Award:
Christopher Altamuro, William Beck & Victoria Collinsworth for their project titled "Composites from Cool Polymers"
Team was mentored by grad students Michael Chauby & Matthew Schwenger

Chemical Engineering Clinic Award
The following project team receives the Chemical Engineering Clinic Award:
David Theuma, Michael Fracchiolla, Sean Curtis & Steven Roth for their project titled "Roadmap for Efficient Processes in Petroleum Pipelines"
Team was mentored by grad students Swapana Jerpoth & Barnabas Gao