Prospective Students
Prospective Students
Prospective Students

Information for First-Year Students
Rowan prides itself on providing a "private school" education at a public school price. U.S. News & World Report ranked Rowan's College of Engineering 21st nationally among best undergraduate engineering programs accredited by the ABET.

Engineering Learning Community
Students in the ELC live in the same dorm their first year, take some classes together their first semester at Rowan, & participate in group activities. Junior/Senior engineering students (who did the ELC their first-year) mentor ELC students. The ELC helps students form bonds with each other & faculty & helps with the transition to college.

Information for Transfers
The College of Engineering actively seeks outstanding transfer students. Many of our brightest and most successful students are transfer students.

Current Rowan Student Wanting to Transfer into Engineering?
The College of Engineering has an application process and specific course requirements for current Rowan students interested in changing their major to Engineering.
Engineering Minors
Facts at a Glance
A national leader in engineering education, the Henry M. Rowan College of Engineering was founded in 1995. The college’s curriculum, faculty and students consistently receive international acclaim and our progressive initiatives raise the bar for engineering education.
Click here for a full snapshot of the college as well as all our departments
The Henry M. Rowan College of Engineering offers ten B.S. degrees, one B.A. degree, and five minors.
View our undergraduate programs
We offer certificates of graduate studies (COGS), Master of Science (MS), Master of Engineering Management (MEM), and Doctoral (Ph.D.) programs in a broad range of engineering disciplines.
Engineering Clinics
The Clinic concept is the signature facet of Rowan's unique engineering curriculum. Inspired by the medical education model, the clinic program is the place where students, faculty, theory and engineering applications converge. It's the place where students experience a hands-on approach to learning about engineering, under the guidance of credentialed engineers. Clinics are a continuous and substantial part of the curriculum and thread through the entire four-year undergraduate program.
Faculty & Staff
Since 2013, we have doubled both student enrollment and full-time faculty.
College of Engineering Contacts
Dean's Office:
Dr. Giuseppe Palmese, Dean,
Dr. Steven Chin, Vice Dean,
Dr. Nidhal Bouaynaya, Associate Dean for Research & Graduate Studies,
Ms. Maria Perez-Colon, Assistant Director - Academics,
Biomedical Engineering:
Dr. Mary Staehle, Department Head,
Chemical Engineering:
Dr. Kenneth Lau, Department Heat,
Civil & Environmental Engineering:
Dr. Kauser Jahan, Department Head,
Electrical & Computer Engineering :
Dr. Robi Polikar, Department Head,
Engineering Entrepreneurship:
Dr. Stephanie Farrell, Department Head, Experiential Engineering Education,
Mechanical Engineering:
Dr. Wei Xue, Department Head,