Civil & Environmental Engineering @ Rowan University

Civil & Environmental Engineering @ Rowan University

Industrial Advisory Board

The Civil and Environmental Engineering Industrial Advisory Board was formed to provide guidance, advice and support to assist the achievement of the goals and objectives of the Rowan Civil and Environmental Engineering Department. The Board provides an effective linkage between the Department and its alumni, current students, faculty, the College of Engineering, the University Administration, industry and government.

The goals of the CEE Advisory Board are to:

  • Provide advice and assistance to the Department in the development and maintenance of an assessment plan to maintain ABET accreditation.
  • Adopt a proactive role in helping the Department to:
    • acquire resources for faculty/student development
    • identify potential industrial partners / projects for clinic program
    • obtain professional opportunities for students (internship and permanent)
    • enhance student professional society activities
  • Provide an independent, constructive assessment of the program and activities of the Department including a review of items such as: 1) faculty; 2) curriculum; 3) students; 4) administration; 5) equipment and facilities; and 6) alumni/industrial relations.
  • Act as a two-way conduit for communicating between the Department and alumni, industry and government.