Advising & Study Abroad

  • students hiking in costa rica while studying abroad

Advising & Study Abroad


Meet with an advisor at least once a semester (more if you want). Your advisors can help you select courses, assist with registration matters and help identify campus resources.

CEE First Year and Sophomore students should meet with their assigned first/second year advisor for help with course scheduling and registration, as well as minors and academic support. Check out the Advising Information webpage here. For general advising questions, please email

Junior/Senior Year students are assigned to a CEE faculty advisor who can assist with major-specific questions, such as career and graduate school information, course content, etc.

You can find the name of your assigned advisor in RSN/Starfish:, listed under your Rowan Network. If one is not listed, please contact the department head. For a list of all CEE faculty/staff, click here.