Departmental News
Departmental News
Departmental News

Righting wrong-way crashes in New Jersey
Professor Jalayer's team will use data analytics tools to evaluate & verify the effectiveness of at least two wrong-way driving Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS).

Rowan to partner with University of Alaska Anchorage on cold-regions research
Rowan University has been selected as an academic partner in cold regions research by ADAC-ARCTIC.

Rowan University enters education partnership with U.S. Army ERDC
This education partnership expands the University’s yearslong collaboration with ERDC's engineers and scientists.

CEE 25@100
The CEE Department celebrates its twenty-fifth graduating class May 2024 while Rowan University celebrates its one-hundredth year. We have gathered memories from long-term faculty who arrived at Rowan between 1996 and 2002 and students who graduated every year from 2000 to 2024.

Algae Grows the Future
5/11/21 - NSF funded Algae Grows the Future project video recognized for Public Choice!