Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and Inclusion

Rowan’s Civil and Environmental Engineering Department welcomes individuals of all races, religions, beliefs, ethnicities, genders, gender identities, gender expressions, national origins, religious affiliations, sexual orientations, ability – and other visible and nonvisible differences. We want to expand opportunities for all students and strongly believe that we will be better people and engineers when we embrace diversity.

A new initiative within the department, funded through the National Science Foundation - Revolutionizing engineering and computer science Departments (RED) program, is titled “Revolutionizing Engineering Diversity" (RevEd). This puts us among an elite group of engineering programs nationwide and the only CEE program to receive this prestigious funding. It is a testament to the innovative curriculum and dedicated faculty within the department that we were able to secure this funding to examine our curriculum and serve as a national model of inclusivity by Transforming Engineering Diversity.

Click here to see our inclusive curriculum.

National Professional Organizations

Rowan University Chapters

Society of Women Engineers Society of Women Engineers
National Society of Black Engineers National Society of Black Engineers
Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers
oSTEM  oSTEM at Rowan