Clinic Projects

Clinic Projects

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Sample Junior Senior Clinic Projects

Dr. Kauser Jahan, PE
Dr. Adriana Trias Blanco
Dr. Jeong Eun Ahn
Dr. Jess Everett, PE
Dr. Douglas Cleary, PE
Dr. Yusuf Mehta, PE
Dr. Cheng Zhu, PE
Dr. Mohammad Jalayer
Dr. Gilson Lomboy
  1. P1: Strength and Durability of Concrete with Recycled Concrete Aggregates
  2. P2: Permeability of Concrete with Porous Aggregates
  3. P3: Innovative Techniques And Materials For Preventing Concrete Shrinkage Cracking
  4. P4: 3D Printing of Mortar
Dr.William Riddell
Dr. Sarah Bauer
 Dr. Jagadish Torlapati