Junior and Senior Clinic Program

  • water resources

Junior and Senior Clinic Program

Junior and Senior Clinic Program

In Junior and Senior Engineering Clinic (JSEC), students work in small teams on real world projects. Students have the opportunity to work on a research or design project led by faculty members and sponsored by industry or government agencies. Students choose their top choices from a bank of well over 100 projects at the start of each semester and then complete the research or design according to the stakeholder's specifications. JSECs give our students experience working with clients on real-world projects that lead to tangible results.

The department also offers the PIPES (Professional Industrial Partnership Engagement for Students) program in which students can enroll for their junior/senior engineering clinics with an external engineering firm in lieu of a faculty led project. This program allows students to work full time at company X during the Fall and Spring semesters of their junior/senior year. The student has to apply for the PIPES program describing the nature of the work to be conducted. The department clinic coordinator and department head review the information provided and grant permission to enroll in this program. Students have to present their work and also submit a technical report. Correspondence is also set up with their company liaison to ensure the student is making valuable contributions to the approved project. For more information about the PIPES program, please contact the Department Head Dr. Kauser Jahan at jahan@rowan.edu.


Spring 2025 junior and Senior Clinics

Fall 2024 Junior and Senior Clinic Projects