Careers & Internships

Careers & Internships

Engineering Careers & Internships

The Engineering Outreach Office assists students in securing summer internships and professional careers after graduation. In the past, students have found positions with organizations such as Lockheed Martin, DuPont, Exxon/Mobil, Inductotherm, Glaxo SmithKline Pharmaceuticals, Johnson-Matthey, Hoffman LaRoche, Campbell Soup Company, Boeing, PSE&G and Disney Imagineering, just to name a few.

ProfJobs - - FREE, Online Recruiting Resource 24/7

  1. Enter the student portal at
  2. Select the “Forgot Password” option and enter your entire Rowan email address (including
  3. Follow the instructions for creating a new password in the email sent to your Rowan email account
Employers are encouraged to use this fast and easy-to-use online resource, so should students.
Unofficial transcript upload instructions here.

Engineering Job & Internship E-mail Lists
The Henry M. Rowan College of Engineering will distribute job and internship opportunities through email. Subscribe and unsubscribe to the lists by following the instructions here.


The ECE Department as well as the have LinkedIn pages. Please make sure to follow both ECE Department Linkedin page as well as the HMR College of Engineering LinkedIn page for job and internship opportunities. 

Remember that in order to take advantage of the opportunities that are being posted, make sure to scroll down your homepage to see recent posts or go directly to the Rowan University - Engineering Outreach page and locate the "Recent Activity" to see posts and updates.

Federal Government Jobs and Internships
The Federal Government's official job website

CareerShift - click here
A web compiler that returns online results from many career sites and job boards. Easy to use!

Rowan University Career Services
Office of Career Advancement
Click here for Job and Internship Search Techniques from the Office of Career Services

AfterCollege Job Resource Center
The Henry M. Rowan College of Engineering offers the AfterCollege Job Resource Center providing students access to job opportunities. Click here to locate AfterCollege jobs.

Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) - Google REU or click here
Work closely with faculty and other researchers on National Science Foundation's (NSF) supported research projects at Universities throughout the nation or at a foreign location. Students are granted a stipend, or in many cases assistance with housing and travel. An excellent opportunity to gain experience, collaborate, develop team-work skills, network and experience an adventure.

Resumes and Cover Letters
Click here to view valuable resume and cover letter resources including a resume checklist, build a resume form and sample resumes.

The typical document submitted to employers to gain employment, your resume is the first impression a company gets of you. It is essential that your resume is effective to get your foot in the door. A resume needs to contain a summary of your education and work experience.

Alumni Council Resume Review Service
The Henry M. Rowan College of Engineering, through its Alumni Council, has established a resume review service. Our Engineering alumni will help improve students' resumes through a critique process so that students can best present themselves for an internship or career placement opportunity.

Email your resume as an attached MSWord document to with your major and last name in the subject line. Your subject line must appear in one of the following formats, BME – Last Name, ChE – Last Name, CEE – Last Name, ECE – Last Name, ME – Last Name

Salary Negotiation

Receiving a job offer is an exhilarating feeling... but not every offer is a good offer, and you will never be in a better position to negotiate a better salary (or benefits) then the time when you are made the offer.  If you feel hesitant, don't! Read these suggestions on The Ultimate Guide to Negotiating Your Salary for what to say, how to say and when to say it (and also, what not to say!).