Graduate Programs
Graduate Programs
Graduate Studies in Electrical & Computer Engineering
M.S. in ECE Program
The ECE department at Rowan University offers two different Master of Science tracks, both leading to the MS in Electrical and Computer Engineering degree.
M.S. in Systems Engineering Program
A unique and flexible program that contains systems engineering core as well as a side spectrum of specialization electives
Ph.D. in ECE Program
The ECE Department has a young & growing Ph.D. program that is specifically designed to meet the changing needs of researchers, scholars, & scientists in academia, industry, & the government.
Graduate Certificate Programs (COGS)
COGS in Machine Learning, Power Systems Engineering, and Combat Systems Engineering
Applications & Admissions
Read on for all the latest information, admissions requirements and to apply online.
Financial Assistance
Rowan ECE program offers two types of financial aid in the form of research or teaching fellowships.
Thesis and Dissertation Requirements
All students pursuing a Ph.D. or a M.S. with thesis option are required to submit their thesis (M.S.) or dissertation (Ph.D.) towards graduation requirements.
Graduate Courses
View a list of available graduate level courses and their descriptions
BS/MS 5-Year Dual Degree Program
Complete a Bachelor of Science degree program in four years, followed by the Master of Science program in one year.