Undergraduate Programs
Undergraduate Programs
Electrical & Computer Engineering Undergraduate Program
The ECE Program provides a strategic balance of depth and breadth in topics appropriate to the areas of Electrical and Computer Engineering as articulated by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (IEEE) in their program criteria developed by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET). Our program provides a foundation of mathematics, sciences, and the humanities, combined with engineering topics. However, what sets Rowan ECE program apart is its hands-on, real world project-based technical curriculum, where every class includes a laboratory component, with its hallmark Engineering Clinics.
Overview of BS in ECE
The ECE Program provides a strategic balance of depth & breadth in topics appropriate to the areas of ECE as articulated by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (IEEE).

B.S. in EET
The new B.S. in Electrical Engineering Technology program has many innovative components that make it unique and includes two options: a 2+2 degree path or a 4 year degree program.

ECE Co-op Programs
Rowan ECE offers 6-9 month co-op programs while still allowing you to graduate in four years. The program is optional and open to qualified and interested students.

Transferring into ECE
Rowan ECE receives many applications each semester for transferring into our program. The admission criteria are similar, with minor exceptions listed here.

Rowan ECE Summer 2024 Courses
We will be offering six fundamental electrical and computer engineering classes, as well as a strategic technical writing class for Ph.D. students.

4+1 BS/MS Combined Degree Program in ECE
Complete a Bachelor of Science degree program in four years, followed by the Master of Science program in one year.

Junior/Senior Year Clinic
This is where students learn and perfect the true art and science of engineering design, problem-solving, team-working, creative and analytical thinking, as well as time and project management.

Minor in Systems Engineering, Minor in Electrical and Computer Engineering, as well as other minor opportunities for ECE students

Certificates (CUGS)
CUGS in Applied Machine Learning, CUGS in Combat Systems Engineering, & CUGS in Power Systems Engineering