MS in Systems Engineering

  • Master of Science in Systems Engineering (SE)
  • Master of Science in Systems Engineering (SE)
  • Master of Science in Systems Engineering (SE)
  • Master of Science in Systems Engineering (SE)
  • Master of Science in Systems Engineering (SE)
  • Master of Science in Systems Engineering (SE)
  • Master of Science in Systems Engineering (SE)

MS in Systems Engineering

Master of Science in Systems Engineering at Rowan

Systems Engineering involves the design, integration, and management of complex and large-scale systems over their life cycles. As such, Systems Engineering bridges many of the existing engineering disciplines, as design, integration, and management of complex, large-scale systems are common to all engineering disciplines. Systems engineers are employed in a wide spectrum of industries, including defense, communications, power and energy systems, computing systems, AI systems, as well as many cyberphysical systems. While the nation’s institutions of higher education graduate a sufficient number of professionals in core traditional engineering disciplines, there is an unmet need for qualified professionals who have the necessary knowledge and skills to integrate such complex and large-scale systems across different disciplines. In fact, many graduates of traditional engineering programs ultimately work as systems engineers.

The ECE department at Rowan University now offers a brand new and innovative Master of Science in Systems Engineering (M.S. in S.E.) program.

Because systems engineers come from – and work in – a diverse array of engineering fields, Rowan’s M.S. in S.E. program is designed to be highly flexible, accommodating a wide range of backgrounds and career opportunities. The unique structure of this program will allow you to select and complete a certificate of graduate study (COGS) as an additional credential and sample and select from a variety of COGS as well as a wide spectrum of courses as additional systems engineering electives. The M.S. in S.E. program currently features nine focus areas, each represented with a COGS, and additional ones will be added as they become available.

This unique program will not only equip you with fundamental knowledge, skills, and abilities specific to systems engineering but will also allow them to develop additional critical essential skills, such as communications, management, leadership, problem-solving, planning, innovation, writing, and research. The combination of engineering courses offers an ideal balance of systems engineering and design, providing students with a broad knowledge of science and business to draw from as they solve problems in engineering environments.