About ECE
About ECE
About the Electrical & Computer Engineering Department
Electrical and Computer Engineers (ECEs) have made some remarkable contributions to our world; we have pioneered the invention of smart phones, computers, smart grid, digital cameras, MP3-players, GPS systems, medical imaging devices, and computer games, just to name a few among seemingly countless technological innovations. As ECEs, we also play a crucial and indispensable role in the design of cars, airplanes, spacecraft, autonomous and even extraterrestrial vehicles, home appliances, bioinformatics, lifesaving medical equipment and so many other technologies that we have come to rely on.

A Combined Electrical & Computer Engineering Program
Once considered as distinctly different fields, electrical, electronics and computer engineering are now inseparable from each other due to complexity and scope of today’s challenges that rely on these areas. Therefore, at Rowan, we see Electrical and Computer Engineering as one well-integrated discipline. We believe that – to address tomorrow’s challenges – today’s engineers must be well-versed in both areas that were traditionally seen as separate fields. This is why we offer one of the few combined Electrical and Computer Engineering degrees available in the nation. Our ECE program is accredited as a combined program by ABET (the agency that accredits all engineering programs in the US and worldwide), indicating that the program meets the accreditation requirements of both electrical and computer engineering.
As a result, the Rowan ECE curriculum combines both electrical engineering topics such as electronics, control systems, digital signal processing, telecommunications, and energy as well as computer engineering topics such as computer hardware & software design, microprocessors and embedded systems.
Innovative, Project-based, Modern Curriculum
Engineering Clinics
All ECE courses have integrated laboratory components, because we believe in hands-on minds-on project-based learning. But the hallmark of the Rowan Engineering programs is the eight semesters sequence of Engineering Clinics, which provide our students with a team-oriented, multidisciplinary design and research experience, The Engineering Clinics provide a unique opportunity to integrate theoretical knowhow into the solution of practical real-world engineering problems. At junior and senior levels, the ECE program alone offers about 25-30 clinic projects every semester. Allowing our students to participate in other engineering programs’ clinic projects provide well over 100 projects to choose from every semester. And, these are no ordinary projects: each is designed to solve a real world unsolved problem as identified – and sponsored by - industry, as well as faculty research. Each project, as in real world, has milestones, expectations, and deliverables requiring individual as well as well-coordinated team effort. A selection of last year’s ECE clinic projects can be found on our Junior / Senior Clinic page