Discrete Event Systems
Discrete Event Systems
Discrete Event Systems and Visualization Laboratory

DES is a rapidly growing engineering field as a result of computer revolution. DES are typically processes associated with the systems which are discrete (in time and space), asynchronous (event-driven rather than clock driven), and nondeterministic. Such examples include manufacturing systems, computer networks, and air traffic control systems, etc. The application area being researched at Rowan ECE is modeling, design and optimization of reconfigurable manufacturing and de-manufacturing systems. Dr. Ying (Gina) Tang and her students are developing models and algorithms to effective manage the decision making underlying the disassembly process with a high level of uncertainty. Another problem intimately involved with disassembly tackled at Rowan ECE is disassembly line design: the issues to move disassembly from manual to more efficient automated regime.

Software Security is of paramount importance, as more and more applications are being distributed in platform-independent forms over the Internet. One area being studied at Rowan ECE is to evaluate and develop methods of obfuscation. With a funding from Lockheed Martin Corporation, Dr. Tang and her students are developing analytical metrics for qualitative measure of obfuscator performance. The development of an integrated method with encryption and obfuscation for software protection is also being undertaken.
Complex adaptive system design, one of her key areas of focus, is about developing mathematical models and analytical tools to understand, control, and optimize complex systems. This has many practical applications such as intelligent virtual reality tutoring systems, power-aware manufacturing, and disassembly line balancing.